Another Fleming's Student Aces the Baby Bar!
We are delighted to share that another one of our students has aced the Baby Bar exam with an outstanding score! This is a remarkable achievement, especially considering the low pass rate of this difficult exam. Our student scored a 95 out of 100, which is well above the average score of 70. This score also puts them among the top performers in the state of California, as published by the California Bar!
See October 2023 First-Year Law Students’ Exam Question 2, Selected Answer A
How did they do it?
They followed our proven method of preparing for the Baby Bar exam, which includes:
- Studying the substantive law of contracts, criminal law, and torts, using our comprehensive outlines, mnemonics, and approaches.
- Practicing multiple-choice questions and writing essays, using our realistic simulations and feedback.
- Reviewing past exam questions and answers, using our detailed explanations and tips.
- Taking advantage of our personalized coaching and mentoring, which helped them overcome their weaknesses and boost their confidence.
We are so proud of their hard work and dedication, and we are confident that they will continue to excel in their legal studies and career. Congratulations to Shawn and to all our other successful students who passed the Baby Bar exam!
If you are planning to take the FYLSX, enroll in Fleming's Baby Bar Review course today. We will provide you with everything you need to pass the exam and move on to the next stage of your legal education. Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your future and learn from the best. Contact us now and get started!
What is the Baby Bar exam?
The Baby Bar exam is the informal name for the First-Year Law Students' Examination (FYLSX), which is a one-day test given in June and October by the State Bar of California. The exam is not required for all law students, but only for those who attend unaccredited or alternative law schools in California, or who do not have two years of college work before entering law school. The exam covers three subjects: Contracts, Criminal Law, and Torts. It consists of four one-hour essay questions and 100 multiple-choice questions.*
The exam tests the applicants' knowledge of basic legal principles and their ability to analyze legal problems. The exam is graded on a scale of 100 points, and a score of 70 or higher is required to pass.
What is the Baby Bar Pass Rate?
The pass rate for the exam is usually low, ranging from 10% to 30%. You can find more information about the exam on the California State Bar website here.
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