Fleming's Performance Exam Workshop - Online and Live
The Fleming's Performance Exam Workshop is a 4-day course that teaches you a step-by-step method for success on the 90-minute Performance Test (MPT).
The Workshop begins with a Performance Introduction to explain what the Bar Examiners are looking for in a passing answer. You are then provided with a time-tested method to handle any 90-minute Performance Exam together with outlining, timing, and writing strategies. Nine separate Performance Exams are presented to demonstrate how to implement the Performance method. You are then allowed to write and submit 4 Performance exam answers for personal, audio feedback by Fleming's attorneys.
Why You Need The Performance Exam Workshop
The Performance Exam tests lawyering skills. The Performance Exam Workshop teaches these skills, including how to interpret call instructions, how to navigate through the exam packet within established time parameters, how to gather and organize relevant factual and legal data from the file and library materials, and how to use that information to write a passing answer.
Fleming's Performance Exam Workshop teaches you a step-by-step method that details exam outlining, timing, and writing strategies. You are given thirteen 90-minute Performance exams with sample model outlines and answers to demonstrate proper outlining technique and writing presentation.
Fleming's offers its Performance Exam Workshop, both online and live. The online version is available at any time. For the dates, times, and locations of our live version, please click on this live Performance Exam Workshop link.
Last-update of the article: 06.30.2020.
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