What's Your Story?
If you want to succeed in law school or the bar exam, you need to master the facts. The facts are not just random pieces of information. They are a narrative, a story that tells you what happened in a legal scenario. You have to comprehend the story before you can analyze it.
How do I do that?
First, you read the facts carefully and try to understand the main events and actors. Then, you use the issue checklists provided by Fleming's Fundamentals of Law to identify the legal issues that are relevant to the story. You don't just look for obvious issues, but also for hidden ones that may be triggered by the facts. You apply the facts Fleming's checklists after you have grasped the story, not before.
What about the blackletter law?
The rules and elements are important, but they are not enough. You need to know how to use them in relation to the facts. To be successful on your legal exam (and, when you are a practicing lawyer) you need to master the skill of applying the rules and elements to the facts of each situation. Fleming's Fundamentals of Law can help you learn this skill. We make the law easy to understand, teach you the rules, show you how to break down the elements, and give you the blackletter law.
How do I approach an issue on the exam?
You use the approaches taught by Fleming's Fundamentals of Law to structure your answer. You don't just recite the rules and elements, but you explain how they apply to the facts and how they support your conclusion. You use the tips and tricks that Fleming's gives you to make your answer clear, concise and effective.
Where do I begin?
Fleming's provides live exam writing workshops throughout the year. You can participate in them either in person or online. These workshops are ideal for novice 1L students who want to develop the skills they will use throughout their law school career, as well as for bar exam candidates who want to refine their skills and boost their confidence. You will learn from seasoned instructors who have helped thousands of students succeed in their exams. The workshops will teach you how to analyze, organize, and write effective exam answers that will impress your professors and graders.
What else should I do?
Practice, practice, practice. This is the key to improving your skills and confidence. The more you practice with Fleming's materials, the more familiar you will become with the issues and approaches.
Fleming's gives you plenty of opportunities to practice with their free live practice sessions, Practice to Pass!. You can write a full essay in an hour or just use the time issue-spotting. Either way, you'll get a fact pattern and a model answer to check your work.
Does Fleming's offer feedback for my practice exams?
Yes! The Exam Critique Package is a service offered by Fleming's Fundamentals of Law that allows you to submit your law school, baby bar, and bar exam essays for evaluation and feedback. In addition, every Fleming's course includes one graded exam answer as part of the package.
Don't waste time and energy on ineffective methods. Follow Fleming's guidance and see the difference in your results!
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