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Exam Solution - Civil Procedure II

Exam Solution - Civil Procedure II

Experience the power of Exam Solution: Civil Procedure II. Join Prof. Jeff Fleming in a comprehensive 4-hour lecture, complete with a comprehensive outline and three sample essay exams.


Joinder, Discovery, Summary Judgment, Attacks On the Verdict, Appeal, Res Judicata, Collateral Estoppel.



This intense 4-hour Civil Procedure II Substantive Law lecture combines substantive rules with exam strategies and checklists. It starts with a detailed review of the substantive law, complete with a corresponding outline. Throughout the presentation, you will learn valuable approaches and checklists that will improve your legal knowledge and critical thinking abilities. Additionally, two real practice exams will be provided to showcase effective techniques for law students and to assist in preparing for your law school exams. You will develop the skills to interpret question prompts, identify key issues, organize them, and craft a superior answer based on these issues, using the study tips, tactics, and methods necessary for success. As an added bonus, you can submit a third practice essay exam for personal evaluation and grading by our experienced attorneys. This feedback will serve as a valuable study tool for law students. Within two weeks of receiving your writing sample at Fleming's offices, you will receive detailed audio feedback and a sample answer from our attorneys via Dropbox. This skills course for law


Experience the power of Exam Solution: Civil Procedure II. Join Prof. Jeff Fleming in a comprehensive 4-hour lecture, complete with a comprehensive outline and three sample essay exams.


Joinder, Discovery, Summary Judgment, Attacks On the Verdict, Appeal, Res Judicata, Collateral Estoppel.



This intense 4-hour Civil Procedure II Substantive Law lecture combines substantive rules with exam strategies and checklists. It starts with a detailed review of the substantive law, complete with a corresponding outline. Throughout the presentation, you will learn valuable approaches and checklists that will improve your legal knowledge and critical thinking abilities. Additionally, two real practice exams will be provided to showcase effective techniques for law students and to assist in preparing for your law school exams. You will develop the skills to interpret question prompts, identify key issues, organize them, and craft a superior answer based on these issues, using the study tips, tactics, and methods necessary for success. As an added bonus, you can submit a third practice essay exam for personal evaluation and grading by our experienced attorneys. This feedback will serve as a valuable study tool for law students. Within two weeks of receiving your writing sample at Fleming's offices, you will receive detailed audio feedback and a sample answer from our attorneys via Dropbox. This skills course for law



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