February 2019 Bar Exam Results Improve By 4% over Last Year
As stated by Leah T. Wilson, Executive Director of the CA State Bar, "We wholeheartedly congratulate the 1.458 applicants who passed the latest CA Bar Exam. We hope soon to be welcoming all of them to the profession."
According to a News Release published by the Committee of Bar Examiners, this year for the second year in a row, applicants for the July 2019 Bar Exam can participate in the CA Bar Exam Strategies and Series Program, an online learning experience designed to help applicants prepare for the exam. The program is being tested for its impact on test-takers' performance. Quoting from the State Bar News Release, "Initial results from last year were promising; this year the intent is that a larger sample size will validate the program's efficacy.
July 2019 Bar Exam applicants can apply to participate for free in the Strategies and Stories program until June 7, 2019.
Pass rates by law school type are as follows:
CA ABA | First Timers 45% | Repeaters 38% |
Out of State ABA | First Timers 48% | Repeaters 30% |
CA Accredited | First Timers 21% | Repeaters 13% |
Unaccredited Fixed Facility | First Timers 0% | Repeaters 8% |
Unaccredited Correspondence | First Timers 29% | Repeaters 22% |
Unaccredited Distance Learning | First Timers 28% | Repeaters 10% |
All Others | First Timers 42% | Repeaters 22% |
All Applicants | First Timers 41% | Repeaters 28% |
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