Essay Exam Writing Workbook, Vol. 2
Essay Exam Writing Workbook, Vol. 2
Fleming's Essay Exam Writing Workbook Volume 2 is a self-instruction manual that includes 15 bar exam practice tests and detailed instructions on how to master the skills of issue spotting, analysis, and writing. It covers three subjects – Evidence, Property, and Civil Procedure – with five bar exam questions each, accompanied by sample IRAC outlines and answers to help you hone your skills.
- Evidence
- Property
- Civil Procedure
256 pages
Fleming's Essay Exam Writing Workbook Volume 2 is a self-instruction manual that includes 15 bar exam practice tests and detailed instructions on how to master the skills of issue spotting, analysis, and writing. It covers three subjects – Evidence, Property, and Civil Procedure – with five bar exam questions each, accompanied by sample IRAC outlines and answers to help you hone your skills.
- Evidence
- Property
- Civil Procedure
256 pages