Exam Solution - Trusts
Exam Solution - Trusts
As part of the Exam Solution® Series, the Trusts Substantive Law Outline offers a comprehensive resource for mastering the law of trusts. This package includes a 4 1/2-hour pre-recorded lecture that thoroughly covers the substantive law related to trusts, supplemented by a corresponding substantive law outline for reference.
In addition to the lecture and outline, the package includes three essay exams with sample answers.
Topics Covered
- Creation
- Types of Trusts
- Trust Supervision
- Beneficiaries Rights
- Modification/Termination
Course Overview
This lecture seamlessly integrates substantive rules with exam approaches and checklists to provide a comprehensive exam preparation experience. The presentation commences with an in-depth review of the substantive law, complemented by a corresponding substantive law outline for structured reference.
Following the substantive review, two practice exams are presented, serving as practical demonstrations of proper exam skills.
As a bonus, you'll have the opportunity to engage with a third practice essay exam. Upon completion, you can submit this exam for evaluation and grading by our team of experienced attorneys.
As part of the Exam Solution® Series, the Trusts Substantive Law Outline offers a comprehensive resource for mastering the law of trusts. This package includes a 4 1/2-hour pre-recorded lecture that thoroughly covers the substantive law related to trusts, supplemented by a corresponding substantive law outline for reference.
In addition to the lecture and outline, the package includes three essay exams with sample answers.
Topics Covered
- Creation
- Types of Trusts
- Trust Supervision
- Beneficiaries Rights
- Modification/Termination
Course Overview
This lecture seamlessly integrates substantive rules with exam approaches and checklists to provide a comprehensive exam preparation experience. The presentation commences with an in-depth review of the substantive law, complemented by a corresponding substantive law outline for structured reference.
Following the substantive review, two practice exams are presented, serving as practical demonstrations of proper exam skills.
As a bonus, you'll have the opportunity to engage with a third practice essay exam. Upon completion, you can submit this exam for evaluation and grading by our team of experienced attorneys.